Thursday, January 29, 2015

New release: Didgeridoo Trance Dance 4

Following the growing demand for didgeridoo music and the success of Didgeridoo Trance Dance 1, 2 and 3, here is Didgeridoo Trance Dance 4.

Transcending space is a wild place within eternity… no time, no past.. a wormhole to the future where Mind is but a Dream Dancing Spirit. - The didgeridoo is a special instrument: only a drone can be played but an infinity of sounds is created by circular breathing, singing, rhythmic patterns and imitating animals. Mixed with worldbeat arrangements, here is a fiery trance dance!

Check it out for your next dance party... I can't stop tapping my feet while writing and listening :-)

You can listen to tracks, download each one or all of them or buy a CD: click here

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